
We truly believe in the philosophy of ' गौ सेवा ही भगवंताची सेवा आहे ' and made it our mission. We had a very humble beginning and now we have established a very strong foundation. We are always open to associate ourselves with likeminded people and organizations to serve this purpose. We welcome your participation in any possible manner.

We sincerely feel that it is our duty to help this innocent animal with whatever small means. If this mission gets support from common people of society, it will no longer be a dream but a leaving reality.


  • Knowledge sessions in Rural and Urban regions of Maharashtra.
  • Support research and scientific needs in the area of Indigenous breeds of cattle
  • Cattle rescue and rehabilitation efforts & restore love, dignity and respect to cows.
  • Fodder Support for Cattle
  • Goshala setup and infrastructure support
  • Indigenous Cattle breeding and development
  • Support maintain patented Bulls and their blood line
  • Support Farmers in their cattle maintenance & promote cow centered organic agriculture.
  • To right knowledge on the use of cow manure is being imparted at various centers, particularly keeping in view the increasing popularity of organic farming.
  • Host cow products are being manufactured and related training is being given at various centers Scientific research is being carried out in regard to applications of cow products, including medicines for various diseases
  • Support legal rights of Cattle and other voiceless animals & conduct activities aimed at protecting and caring for cows


We run a helpline where citizens can call to inform about sick or stray cows and calves, in the area.


In association with volunteers, we arrange to bring the cattle to the Gaushala.


We care for the stray, ill-nourished and helpless cows by providing them food, shelter, and medical facilities.

Come, join in our mission, and make it yours too!! This is what you can do

  • Express your love for cow
  • Propagate the virtues of cow
  • Visit a Goshala for regular Goseva yourself